Woo-woo!!! Look what our good friend Ludo gave us. Isn't it pawsome? Thanks Ludo for being such a great pal, you're the best.
Here is our new doggie jet, The Desert Dawg Express. Now we can zip around the world and visit our friends. Our maiden voyage will be to see Gucci for her birthday party on October 1st. Anybody need a ride?
hey you dudes, that's one cool airplane. we're kind of afraid to fly - are you safe pilots???? we will ride with you if you promise not to crash, okay?
congrats on your award. you are good butt-sniffin' friendly pupsters.
Stop on over to Texas and we will go if you have room.. Hey Mom and brother Toph's Birthday is on the 14th. Of course Mom doesn't have Birthday's anymore. Not since Toph was born on hers...
I have a friend who is having a party here in Spain but I am on the wrong computer and can't find her address. :( I don't know if it is tomorrow or next week, I will let you know if I am not too late.
D.Pups, Is that Scuba in the pilots seat? Does Scuba have a license? Please say yes so G-Mom will let us go. Ram Are there any alcoholic beverages aboard?
Hey pals, 1, 2, 3,4 hee,hee!! Tell your Mom you are doggies not numbers....though the planelooks a cool little number. Um... how do you pay for fuel??? I would love to come to the party but I'm not sure if it's a bit too far out of your way....specially as we are meant to be going green...well I'm just green with envy that you have your own plane! Wiry Wags, Eric x
Oh boy! We would love to go. Being away for 5 days is alot in blogland!! We got back Fri night and are still trying to catch up!!! WOW a plane!!! cool Hugs&Hi5s Sunny&Scooter
What a pawsomely cool award! Congrats and woofs to you! You sure have some cool doggy friends!
If Gucci doesn't mind a party crasher, I will hitch a ride on your plane to Gucci's birthday party! Do I have to go through TSA though? And the x-ray machine where you can see through my fur?
p.s. thank you for sniffing on by my blog so check on me. My human has much on her mind lately and has not allowed me to blog. bummers, I know! I will try to do better staying in touch with my doggie friends but I sure do appreciate your concern and kindness! Tail Wags!
I nevFUR pass up a pawty opp!
I just need to make sure I'm bakhk in time fur the VP debate on Thursday!!
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats on the khool award!
Hey everypup,
that is one cool ride, think you could swing by my place and pick me up??
Ben xxxx
hey you dudes, that's one cool airplane. we're kind of afraid to fly - are you safe pilots???? we will ride with you if you promise not to crash, okay?
congrats on your award. you are good butt-sniffin' friendly pupsters.
Now we know 2 doggies that own their own planes! How cool!
Congratulations on your award!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WOO WOO Desert Pups
Congratulations on your award and really cool Airplane! We would love to have you pick us up for the party!!
Party Animals
Thor and Marco Polo
Stop on over to Texas and we will go if you have room..
Hey Mom and brother Toph's Birthday is on the 14th. Of course Mom doesn't have Birthday's anymore. Not since Toph was born on hers...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I have a friend who is having a party here in Spain but I am on the wrong computer and can't find her address. :( I don't know if it is tomorrow or next week, I will let you know if I am not too late.
Is that Scuba in the pilots seat? Does Scuba have a license? Please say yes so G-Mom will let us go.
Are there any alcoholic beverages aboard?
Nice jet. I like the color.
Now every doggie can come party like a barackstar...err rockstar with me in DC!!
You pups are sooo the best!
Sheesh, you crazy pooches, now you have your own plane! Swing by and pawk me up, please?
Oh, and mom sure is keeping me busy while we wait for the blog to get back up and running! We've been brainstorming news ideas for our posts!
Tail Wags,
WOO Desert Pups. We are game for a ride! Especially if it's cooler there!!!
We were wondering if WOO mind if we add WOO to our buddy list?
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
I think Lucky and I will. I don't know where Gucci lives.
OOOOOOooooo Me Me Me Me!!! I wanna ride! Can I have a window seat! I like to stick my head out!
Sorry I haven't been around to check on you and all, but you know...humans, blah, blah, blah...
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
ummmm hey...will there be "beverages" served on the plane...pick me up everyone..I am so on it....
check out my bloggie! I left you an award!
If Australia isn't too far out of the way .. I would love to hitch a ride! ;-)
Is there an inflight movie?
Hey pals, 1, 2, 3,4 hee,hee!! Tell your Mom you are doggies not numbers....though the planelooks a cool little number. Um... how do you pay for fuel??? I would love to come to the party but I'm not sure if it's a bit too far out of your way....specially as we are meant to be going green...well I'm just green with envy that you have your own plane!
Wiry Wags, Eric x
Oh boy! We would love to go. Being away for 5 days is alot in blogland!! We got back Fri night and are still trying to catch up!!! WOW a plane!!! cool
Wow! I have never been on an airplane, is that a dog flying? Does he have the proper certifications?
hey Desert Pups,
What a pawsomely cool award! Congrats and woofs to you! You sure have some cool doggy friends!
If Gucci doesn't mind a party crasher, I will hitch a ride on your plane to Gucci's birthday party! Do I have to go through TSA though? And the x-ray machine where you can see through my fur?
p.s. thank you for sniffing on by my blog so check on me. My human has much on her mind lately and has not allowed me to blog. bummers, I know! I will try to do better staying in touch with my doggie friends but I sure do appreciate your concern and kindness! Tail Wags!
Wow what a pawsome ride you guys. Can you swing down to Tasmania after you visit Charlie Daniels in Aus?
That is a really cool jet. You guys look very happy flying it. If you're in Denver, stop by.
Hey! That is so great! You have your own plane! Could I hitch a ride?
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