Woof everypups and everycats, sorry we haven't been around lately but Mom got a full time job and it's been taking a lot of her time. But at least we get extra doggie biscuits when she comes home. Anyway, our neighbor Rolfe and his Dad John came over to visit us this morning. Rolfe is a Border Collie and he gets to help his Dad train horses for people throughout Arizona. They come over to visit almost every weekend and John will bring the horse next to our fence and let us bark at it. He told Mom that it is good training for the horse so she lets us bark as much as we want.
Can your neighbors move to be my neighbors?! I love horses, and I love barking at horses! And Rolfe sure is a cute doggy. He looks like a fun pup to hang with! You sure have fun friends and neighbors in your neck of the woods, er, desert!
We are so furry happy that your mom is working! I know you pups must miss her, but hey, treats always make up for it, right?! ;-> Hope your mom likes her new job!
p.s. My human K said the horse is beautiful and she wishes she had a horse! Also, we want to thank you for your kind comments on my last blog post. Thank you!!!
Rolfe is one great neighbor!!!
Teddy Bear
I don't know - that horse might not take too kindly to being barked at!!
WOO WOO Desert Pups
We would love to bark at your neighbor's horse too! It's quite big!
Thor and Marco Polo
Those are some pawesome furiends!
Thanks fur sharing!
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats to your mom!
Rolfe and his dad sound like the perfect neighbors to have!
What a pretty horsie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
hey Desert Pups,
Can your neighbors move to be my neighbors?! I love horses, and I love barking at horses! And Rolfe sure is a cute doggy. He looks like a fun pup to hang with! You sure have fun friends and neighbors in your neck of the woods, er, desert!
We are so furry happy that your mom is working! I know you pups must miss her, but hey, treats always make up for it, right?! ;-> Hope your mom likes her new job!
p.s. My human K said the horse is beautiful and she wishes she had a horse! Also, we want to thank you for your kind comments on my last blog post. Thank you!!!
Barking as much as you want. how cool is that?
Penny would love to be allowed to bark at a horse. She isn't a great barker, but cows and horses demand a lot of very loud barking.
Thanks for a great blog. I was able to get the information that I had been looking for! Thanks once again!
Automatic Dog Feeder
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