Saturday, July 12, 2008


Freakin unbelievable!!! Scuba here, just barking about stupid humans. Foxnews has an article on a preacher who was arrested for his involvement in the illegal snake trade. And this whole thing about handling snakes to prove your faith, well that's just stupid. I'm sorry if I offend any crazy, snake handling, religious people out there but really, that's just stupid. Here in Life Inside The Fence, we've seen Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes up close and personal and we know they ain't good to mess with. Gotta wonder why humans consider themselves to be the dominant species. The picture below is just a little guy that wandered into our back yard and he even scared the hell out of Mom.


Duke said...

Our mom HATES snakes! She's always saying they're evil and they need to be destroyed! All snakes better stay out of mom's way because she means it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

I'm amazed that humans have lived as long as they have.

MJ's doghouse said...

my momma hates snakes also...she doesnt even like them enough to buy a snake skin purse...(she wouldnt anyway but you get my point..) you be careful out in the yard where they all try and attack...they are just slimey ugly beasts

Daniella said...

Hi Dudes,
Thanks for visiting my blog, nice to meet you all. You sure are lucky to live in a pack. I am an only dog. I don't mind cos I've only ever been an only child - I do like the attention.
I've never seen a snake, but if I did I'd probably want to make friends. I'm a bit of a freaking terrier, I don't like to kill, I like to engage, and play. Tee hee.


PS Mom writes for that's why this is written in her name not mine...

The Zoo Crew said...

Mom is so glad we don't have rattlesnakes "in our neighborhood." But they're definitely up in the foothills where we hike. Thankfully, we haven't encountered one (alive) yet!

Thanks for stopping by our blog :)


the many Bs said...

geek! snakes are .... creepy! our mom does not like snakes at all. she told us that they are scary and evil and to stay away from snakes. we believe her.


Deefor said...

Hi Guys
Thanks for visiting me. We taking a little hike and there was a sign saying not to wear open shoes cause of the rattlers. My mom was worried about her feet but I always have open feet! We didn't see any. And if we did we wouldn't handle it.
