Woo-woo!!! Way to go pups!!!!

Here are the rules for these awards!
The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
Link the person you received your award from.
Nominate seven other blogs.
Put links of those blogs on yours.
Leave a message on the blogs that you've nominated.
(Not really part of the rules but it should be)
PEE-ESS: Sorry we haven't posted any more party photos, Mom hasn't let us use the computer lately because she's been getting ready for some dumb job interview and she needed the computer. But we're hoping to post the photos soon, but we warn you, some of the photos could be very incriminating.
Yapeee...I am nominated for an award...this is cool. Thanks guys. I always knew there were those out there who appreciated me! Love your blog by the way...we should party together sometime...lots of sniffs Sami
Hey, thanks for visiting my blog.
I'm looking forward to more party pics.
Good luck to your mom with her job interview!
Judy, Ms. P and Ms. C
Congratulations you guys!!! You are well deserving of them all!
Good luck on the interview! Fingers & paws crossed for you.
Sunny,Scooter & Jamie
Heh heh. I am ready for anything. I think.
Good lukhk to your mom!
Hey Dawgs,
Thank you so much for the award! We (z and I both) love your blog as well! Thank you for the encouragement that you have given to us!
Licks and Leaps
Congrats on your awards!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Desert Pups,
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and supporting me and my mom during this very difficult time in my family. My mom came home from Texas last night and I'm so happy she's back. It's nice to visit yor blog and smile! Thanks again for thinking of us :)
Good luck to yur mommy! R mommy got her new job this past May. It was a hard year fur her b4 that trying to get another job b4 her's ended at the end of grant money. We gave R mommy lots of s'port & hugs & kissies cuz it was very trying fur her going on interviews. That's what yur mommy needs frum you all!
-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-
you dawgs are so funny! Any reason to throw a party and your right on it. I wish I could come to just one. Do you think I could handle more than one beer??
woof woof... :)
hey I liked yr blog... very different and innovative... :)
Hiya Guys,
Congrats on your awards. Rambo gave me the same one as you 2. How cool is that! :-D
Take Care
Congratulations on your awards. Have a great weekend.
Simba x
Congratulations on your awards! We love your blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congratulations on the award and thanks for the honor.
Congrats on your super cool awards!
And thank you sooo much for passing one along to us! We just love your blog.
I think we seriously need to have a party around this place!
hey Desert Pups,
A huge congrats on your two great awards! You dogs totally deserve the awards! I just love visiting your blog and seeing all the fun pics and reading what you Desert Pups are up too! And I sniffed over to all the dogs you awarded the awards too and they are really cool dogs and very deserving, just as you dogs are! You have great furry friends! Keep up the great blog!
p.s. My human is also looking for work so I know what you mean about not being able to get on the computer. I barely get a chance to get on anymore. Dumb humans and their stupid work! Good luck to your mom!
Congrats on your award! You deserve it - we just love your blog! You have such an interesting life on the desert!
Thor and Marco Polo
You guys deserve those awards
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